Teaching the Importance of Beekeeping

Agriculture is a really dynamic industry. One of the most important industry known to mankind. Simply put, everyone must eat to survive. There are so many sectors in agriculture from aquaculture to forestry. One of the sectors in agriculture that caught my attention is apiculture or beekeeping. Apiculture is the activity or job of keeping bees in order to produce honey and other products. Imagine for a second that all the bees on the planet were to disappear, how would the planet look? Believe me, a bee sting would be the least of our worries. Bees are serial pollinators, meaning bees seriously help out with the fertilization of plants. If we lose the bees population, we will struggle to maintain crops, the animals that eat plants, many municipal health products, and the list goes on.

Humanitarian Action Guild is based in a beautiful village called Dian Dian Fodedougou. Fodedougou is mountainous community surrounded by luscious forrest. Dian Dian Fodedougou host a plethora of wildlife and fruit trees such as: mango, avocado, lemon, and orange. In addition, Dian Dian Fodedougou host plenty of bees!

In other areas of Guinea, Guineans are involved in apiculture (beekeeping) and they are creating generational wealth. Humanitarian Action Guild is currently working with the community of Dian Dian Fodedougou to first debunk the negative stereotype bees currently have. Secondly, Humanitarian Action Guild is teaching interested community members the importance of bees, the anatomy of bees, beekeeping, and providing bee removal services.

Currently, Humanitarian Action Guild is working towards providing bee boxes and beekeeping suits to community members who see a foreseeable future in the realm of beekeeping.


Fighting for Overall Health


Community Clothing Drive